Learn about the issues that affect our community

Representation: Neighbors Working for Neighbors

Representation: Neighbors Working for Neighbors

Woodinville thrives when leaders prioritize residents over political alliances or outside influences. For decades, our city representatives have fostered trust and made progress on hyperlocal issues while preserving heritage, protecting the environment, and celebrating small businesses. We’re losing touch with this legacy while voter participation continues to decline from 52% in 2017 to a historic low of 37% in 2023. 

Democratic Woodinville supports grassroots candidates who listen to residents, represent community interests, and protect what makes our city special and unique. Together, we can ensure that Woodinville remains a city represented by neighbors without political affiliations.

Learn more about our position on this issue by reading What Is Real Representation?

Housing: Affordable and Integrated

Housing: Affordable and Integrated

Woodinville should be a place where people can both work and afford to live. Today, a family of three would require an income of at least $124,875 to live in the city. There are limited affordable housing options with just 25 units coming available in the foreseeable future. 

As a small city, we must remain disciplined in our development. We cannot allow developers to dictate terms that fail to address our community’s needs while creating urban sprawl. Democratic Woodinville supports inclusive zoning that requires 26% of new housing units to be affordable below the area median income.

Neighborhoods: Clean, Safe, and Sustainable

Neighborhoods: Clean, Safe, and Sustainable

From well-maintained streets to vibrant public spaces, every dollar invested should make our city cleaner, safer, and more welcoming. Unfortunately, recent budget decisions have prioritized unnecessary projects over core needs. While capital improvement spending has more than doubled to $64 million, only 14% of this budget is allocated to Woodinville’s largest residential neighborhoods.

Democratic Woodinville supports responsible budgeting that prioritizes safety, cleanliness, and sustainability in our neighborhoods. With transparent practices and a commitment to serving today’s residents, we can ensure that every dollar works to improve our community while maintaining healthy reserves for the future.

Transportation: More Choices, Less Congestion

Woodinville’s transportation system must grow to meet the needs of a growing community. Reliable transit options offer residents alternatives, reducing congestion and supporting efficient traffic flow. Currently, only 5% of residents use transit and rapid development has overlooked transportation impacts. 

Democratic Woodinville supports thoughtful growth while building roads and adding transit to ensure that traffic flows smoothly. This ensures that residents can reach their destinations quickly, whether by bus, train, or car.

Transportation: More Choices, Less Congestion