What is real representation?

Woodinville is a city that embodies self-determination. From the Woodin settlement in 1871 to the city’s incorporation in 1993, our community set its own course. The ever expanding Bothell had its sights on Woodinville and we acted decisively to protect ourselves from becoming an undifferentiated piece of the larger county sprawl. Our legacy of neighbors working together for one another endured.

Knowing this history, it is hard to imagine Woodinville falling under the influence of outside interests like developers or political parties. Self-determination is a principle embodied in Washington’s long-standing tradition of non-partisan local government and decentralized control of planning decisions.

Neighbors Working for Neighbors

The spirit of neighbors working together toward a common goal is best captured by a 2007 proposal by Phoenix Development, Inc. to upzone undeveloped forest. This proposal would have eliminated 53 acres of tree canopy and required existing residents to pay tens of thousands of dollars to connect to the sewer. Concerned Neighbors of Woodinville (CNW) organized hundreds of residents to oppose the proposal, which was unanimously rejected by the City Council. The City of Woodinville and CNW went on to successfully defend in-front of the Washington Supreme Court ruling the City’s right to self-determination in allocating growth targets.

Today, that forest is a city park called Wood Trails. Woodinville wins when neighbors work for neighbors and put the community first.

Wood Trails park

Wood Trails park in Woodinville’s Wellington neighborhood.

Tenets of Real Representation

Real representation happens when the people elected to the Woodinville City Council work for each and every resident while amplifying every voice and serving as exceptional stewards of public trust. Democratic Woodinville created the following Tenets of Real Representation as a compass to guide governance that is strictly in service of Woodinville residents:

  • Focused Action. Representatives take real action on significant issues while avoiding distractions and optics. Every decision has a direct and measurable impact on problem solving for today’s residents.

  • Resident Participation. Representatives look to residents for priorities and feedback, not reinforcement of their own ideas. Every resident is given ample opportunity to contribute and their feedback is taken seriously. Development is guided by an independent, apolitical, and highly qualified planning commission whose recommendations are given full consideration.

  • Impartial Analysis. Decisions are made without influence from outside interests, including political parties, corporations, and other municipalities. Representatives use data to make decisions. They change their minds when presented with compelling information and act when a course of action is clearly and overwhelmingly in the best interest of Woodinville.

  • Stewardship. Every decision is taken with a deep appreciation for the risks, long-term consequences, and the impacts to individuals and underrepresented groups. Every dollar is treated as one’s own and spent only when there is undeniable benefit to today’s residents. The city resources are always left in better condition than which they were found.

We Deserve Real Representation

Woodinville City Hall with flags at half mast

Woodinville City Hall with flags at half mast.

More than three decades following our incorporation we find Woodinville drifting from its founding ideals. Despite having non-partisan local elections, we see outcomes influenced by endorsements from politicians outside of our city. Decisions are often made to impress regional power brokers. Investment in our city is increasing but our largest neighborhoods barely benefit. Traffic and congestion continues to climb. Resident feedback is only appreciated when it happens to align with the City’s preexisting plans and the Planning Commission has been reduced to a political rubber stamp.

It’s time to change Woodinville’s government. Let’s vote for real representation—neighbors working for neighbors, not politicians working for themselves.


What you should know about Woodinville’s budget